Author: Artist

  • Finished Fairy Houses

          Some of the fairy houses are out of the kiln, I’m quite pleased with the way they turned out. They are ready for the fairies to move in. They are handmade and built individually so no two houses are the same. These are first of my fairy houses, I plan to make lots more. Different…

  • Fairy Houses

    Since I started making fairy doors two years ago, I have constantly been asked “Do you do houses as well?”. So last month, while the girls and I were playing with clay, I started building. Four hours later I was still building, – the girls had got bored and were off playing something else –…

  • Etsy Shop is now live

    Etsy Shop is now live

    I have now set up my Etsy shop so you can now buy my work online. I have added my new Articulated figures and some pots, I will be adding more over the next few weeks so keep checking the shop for more items. Visit my Etsy Shop today If you are interested in anything…

  • Video Interview

    Contemporary Crafts Network – Christina Stevens from Graham Cooling on Vimeo. In the video interview I speak about my work, I describe my process, ideas and influences. The video shows some of my finished work and has some nice close up details. Thanks to Graham Cooling for his excellent work in putting the video together.